Episode 5 - Kujo's Loose
Episode 5 of And Now It's, titled "Kujo's Loose" aired on July 6.
This episode is widely agreed upon to be our best episode yet, but it came with a cost. We keep Kujo, one of our cast members, locked up in a cage in the studio. It's for his own good. But when we were making this episode, the unthinkable happened...he got out! He caused a great amount of destruction and unfortunately he fatally wounded our guest, but thankfully today he is back in his cage, where he belongs. The episode features Dave Eckblad (in his final interview ever before he passed away, sad to say). The episode also has the second installment of "Luna Seasons" (on the subject of stinkin' armpits), an advertisement for a new Italian/Vietnamese fusion restaurant called Phogeddaboutit, a special message about friendship and two person bicycles, a Ween cover from Hola Agua, and more! Watch the episode below: