And Now It's is a cable access TV show created and produced in Minneapolis by Christiaan "Bacon" Tarbox and Bobby Kahn, featuring Joe Lipscomb, Kurtis Johnson, Hamil Griffin-Cassidy, Rita Allen, Jauston Campbell, Sam Spadino, and more. The show is largely a sketch comedy show, but we also feature local artists. The show airs Wednesday nights at 9 PM on MTN Channel 17 within Minneapolis or online at
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Here is a playlist featuring episodes from our second season, which premiered May 10, 2017:
Here is a playlist featuring episodes from our first season, which aired between May 2016 and January 2017. The season features 10 original episodes and a clip show. The Olympic Special is generally regarded as one of our best episodes, Kujo's Loose and The Hanukkah Special are other favorites.